
I try to ask myself if happiness is fickle.

Is it a passing emotion? Is it something that can only be influenced by outside factors? Or is it more?

I am someone who believes happiness is a choice you make every day you open your eyes. It is a conscious decision to say to yourself. No matter what happens today I am going to keep my heart light and my mind clear.

I want to look at the world through rose-colored glasses.

I want to feel like Alice in Wonderland and see something amazing at every turn.

Let me say this.

It is so much easier when the factors outside of yourself all point toward you being happy with yourself.

When you have someone there who is encouraging you. When your family and friends support your choices. When you get to smile and not have to work at it.

I had forgotten that.

I had forgotten that some things aren’t so hard. I had forgotten that sometimes all you need is a little hope from the outside to let the light shine that is within us.

Thank you God for the things you have done for me. For the lights that you give me and help me to shine your light through me. Amen.