Phenominal Female Friday – Simmoni!

Phenominal Female – Simmoni!
Occassionally in life we meet a kindred spirit who can catch all of our jokes, debate topics fiercely, and still get us to crack a smile when we are down. I would like you all to meet my girl, Simmoni. She is an amazing mom, a fabulous wife, and that kindred spirit.
We went for a long time without talking after I graduated high school and moved away from our hometown.
We have had the chance to reconnect and I am so grateful.
You are a fabulous friend.
Thank you for participating in my Phenominal Female Friday!
1) Please share your first name, age, and occupation (if you have one).Simmoni, 28, Stay at home mom

2) Are you where you had dreamed when you were a child? Are you where you planned as a teenager?Absolutely not! I had big dreams of being a writer and traveling all over the world! I wanted that from the time I was kid, and even through my teenage years. Life has a funny way of showing you that sometimes what you want isn’t necessarily what you need.

3) Do you think that you are wiser for the things you have been through that got you here?Absolutely! Every situation is a potential lesson. If you walk away from a tragedy/triumph without ever having learned something from it… well you’ve missed the point completely.

4) What do you dream for your future?I don’t really know. I dream that my kids are healthy and happy. Basic things, but I realized a few months ago that I have not set future goals for myself. I feel so wrapped up in what is going on with my husband and kids that I often put myself aside. That isn’t good.

5) If there was one thing you could change about pop cultures’ philosophy of things what would it be? I think the message being sent about sex, love, and money is completely skewed. Here we have these Idols that spend money on frivolous material things, have affairs, fall in and out of love as often as they change underwear… it’s madness. I don’t think it conveys a realistic picture of what life is really about. It doesn’t set a good example of what relationships are about. It’s this “easy come, easy go” attitude and the people obsessed with celebrity believe that this is how the other half should be living. I don’t want that kind of influence on my kids. It highlights the fact that we have become a society of convenience and that people are just as expendable as a piece of garbage.

6) Do you allow what is popular to influence you? Explain either way.No way. I have never been the cool kid with the latest fashions, and best gadgets. I’m always shocked at how cool is linked to material things. I find people cool when they have a personality and a brain that they actually utilize. I doubt intelligence will ever be “in style”!

7) Who inspires you?People in general inspire me. I enjoy watching people. To see how they interact, talk to their kids, sit quietly… whatever. We are amazing creatures. It’s easy to be inspired by someone who has done something great, or who has a lot of notoriety. For some people, it might be difficult just to get through the day, and the fact that they manage to is amazing to me. I am more inspired by the minute details in life.

8) Do you think you inspire others? (If you got this then you do. :))I’m not sure. I doubt it. I’m okay with that. I think it takes a lot to impress and inspire people these days.

9) What do you think the secret to happiness is?Being okay with where you are in your journey through life. Things can be complicated, messy, unfair. I think as long as we can be okay with where we are, and know that we can improve on any situation, it enables us to be happy. My dad always told me that happiness isn’t a destination, it’s a choice.

10) Please share one life altering thought, concept, or event.I have always loved Socrates’s quote “Let him that would move the world first move himself”. This is one that you have to say repeatedly and really think about. I have gone on some amazing thought journeys because of this simple little statement. There are probably far better quotes, thoughts, ideas. This one is great because it is only seemingly simple. At some point, I realized that this quote is really quite complicated for such a small little sentence.

I am trying to convince Sim to participate in my little blog here. I hope she will. Please post comments to convince her!!!
Hope you all have a GREAT weekend!

5 thoughts on “Phenominal Female Friday – Simmoni!

  1. Lisa Wields Words says:

    Sim, I think it is time to set some goals for yourself. If writing is one of your dreams, you don’t have to travel to do it, just do it.

    Another wonderful post Megan.

  2. Ran Hamilton says:

    I never knew Simmoni wanted to be a writer. I agree with Lisa. If it’s something she’s wanted to do her entire life she shouldn’t just decide it’s not ‘necessarily what she needs’ at the moment and call it a day. She should foster that! She’s got a whole lot of life left and there is no reason she can’t accomplish her dream! It might not happen next year, in 10 years, or even 20… but perseverance and determination are some amazing qualities that I’m sure Simmoni possesses.

  3. DesiValentine says:

    Sim, I can so relate to that feeling of being so wrapped up in your family that your own personal goals get set aside. I really struggle with feeling selfish when I want to do something just for me. But then I wonder if that’s a good message to send my kids, either? Do I want them to always put everyone else’s desires before their own? Food for though, anyway.
    Thanks for sharing a bit of your story with us. I’m interested to hear more from you. 🙂

  4. Simmoni Roper says:

    Thanks ladies! Since participating in the questionnaire, I have been on a “take time for me” mission. Baby steps. My house isn’t nearly as clean as I usually keep it, I’ve spent more money on myself in the last few months than I have in years, but I’m enjoying myself more. I have not given up on writing. I have lost some of my creative thinking, and much of my grammar and punctuation skills over the last several years. I have been writing a journal to get back into the habit. I’m not sure what I want to write, but I will figure it out. Thank you for all of the feedback!

  5. Simmoni Roper says:

    Randee, you are absolutely right. I shouldn’t just put writing to the side. I’ve been sidetracked by raising a family. I never wanted, or dreamed of having kids when I was young. I just wanted to be free to be free! I firmly believe that all things happen for a reason. I don’t feel cheated that things have worked out differently than I had dreamed. I adore my kids, love my husband, and enjoy our family. I simply made the mistake of forgetting about my wants. I’m back on track. If I never write a published book, I’m okay with that. I do, however, need to make the attempt to pursue the things I am passionate about.

Love comments! Please leave one! :)